If you suffer from wheezing, coughing, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sinus headache, sneezing, hayfever, hives, asthma, eczema and allergy symptoms, you’re not alone.
While most risk factors for asthma, allergies and eczema are out of your control, it is possible to reduce your symptoms.
Mitey Fresh will show you how healthy lifestyle changes can help you prevent reactions with natural asthma remedies.
An award winning company, dedicated to bringing innovative long term protective measures against some of the most commonly suffered inhaled allergens including the common house dust mite, mould, pollen, dust and more.
A wholistic approach that gets results – Dust Mite Covers, Dehumidifier, Air Purifiers, Dampp Chaser, Zeolite, In-Home Service and Consultations, Fresh News Blog – by simply taking a fresh look at healthy indoor living.